Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Album Reviews 3/15/2011

New Reviews:

Hail Of Bullets - On Divine Winds - Screaming metal noise, and not in a good way.

Trapt - No Apologies - A welcome break from the death metal crap I've been sampling lately. That being said, just because the music is more melodic and easier to listen to doesn't mean that it's any good, which Trapt isn't.

Yann Tiersen - Dust Lane - A pleasant but mostly obtuse piece of electronica.

Avey Tare - Down There - Promising at times, but mostly disappointing.

Senses Fail - The Fire - Generic emo with no distinctly great songs.

Good Charlotte - Cardiology - Not as irritating as their usual output and "1979" was alright, but for the most part this was a dull pop punk album.

Cassandra Wilson - Silver Pony - A sleepy live performance jazz album. Certainly not a bad album, but not really to my tastes.

Cradle Of Filth - Darkly Darkly Venus Aversa - Imagine if death metal singer screeched wildly with backing from 80's (non-hair) metal guitars and machine gun drums. You'd think it would be awesome. It isn't.

Helloween - 7 Sinners - A Dio knockoff that's better than I expected it to be.

I Blame Coco - The Constant - Today's best album by a long shot, I Blame Coco reminds me of Metric and the album is fun from start to finish.

2010 Project Progress Report - 3/15/2011 - I completed the initial review of 10 albums, bringing the total down to 42 albums. I currently anticipate completion of this phase of the project on next Tuesday, March 22nd.

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