Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Top 500 Songs Of 2012 - Part 17 of 50, #340-#331

#340 Point Reyes - "Golden" from "Blalock's Indie Rock Playlist" - I'm sure there's a link on youtube, but all my youtube searches focused on the actual Point Reyes, rather than the band.

#339 Purity Ring - "Obedear" from "Shrines" -

#338 Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti - "Only In My Dreams" from "Mature Themes" - For a modern band, APHG often has a sound that seems to be straight out of the late 60's or early 70's. -

#337 Alanis Morissette - "Numb" from "Havoc And Bright Lights" - She's still around, making one or two great songs per album. -

#336 Aerosmith - "Luv XXX" from "Music From Another Dimension" - A huge improvement over previous efforts this past decade, as the band seems to be getting a little of their bad-ass attitude back. -

#335 Benjamin Gibbard - "Teardrop Windows" from "Former Lives" - No Death Cab album this year, but the Gibbard solo project is a solid substitute. -

#334 Amanda Palmer And The Grand Theft Orchestra - "Melody Dean" from "Theatre Is Evil" - This song should have been much higher.  The chorus alone merits consideration for the top 100. -

#333 Jimmy Fallon - "Tebowie" from "Blow Your Pants Off" - Oddly enough, I'm posting this ranking (for a song originally recorded years ago, but only released on an album now) a few days after Tebow's NFL career basically ended when the Patriots cut him. -

#332 Todd Snider - "In The Beginning" from "Agnostic Hymns And Stoner Fables" - An athiest songwriter known for his sense of humor explains his take on the origin of organized religion. -

#331 Stephen Lynch - "Tennessee" from "Lion" - I think this is the top song on the countdown that could be described as purely comedic, as Stephen Lynch uses his sincere-adjacent style to rip the holy hell out of a state that he seems to hate with a fiery passion. -

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