Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Top 500 Songs Of 2011 - Part 50 of 50, #10-#1

#10 Coldplay - "Hurts Like Heaven" from "Mylo Xyloto" - The title and some elements of the song are an homage to the all-time classic "Just Like Heaven" by The Cure. -

#9 Foster The People - "Pumped Up Kicks" from "Torches" - One of the biggest indie rock songs of all-time, "Pumped Up Kicks" is a rare example of an overplayed pop song also being a great song. -

#8 Justice - "Civilization" from "Audio, Video, Disco" - A worthy follow-up to "D.A.N.C.E.", "Civilization" takes a little bit to get started, but accelerates quickly once it hits the chorus. -

#7 Admiral Fallow - "Squealing Pigs" from "Boots Met My Face" - With the top six songs consisting of five pop hits and a relatively famous indie hit, "Squealing Pig" is basically the "underground" hit of 2011, a brilliant acoustic jam from yet another great Scottish indie rock band. -

#6 Lady Gaga - "Born This Way" from "Born This Way" - The actual song starts at about 2:30. -

#5 Florence And The Machine - "Shake It Out" from "Ceremonials" - The highest ranking song from Florence And The Machine on the countdown. -

#4 Jay-Z And Kanye West - "No Church In The Wild" from "Watch The Throne" - Featuring Frank Ocean. - The incredible beat and Frank Ocean's outstanding chorus are more than enough to make a truly epic song.  Great verses by Kanye and Jay-Z are just gravy. -

#3 The Naked And Famous - "Young Blood" from "Passive Me, Aggressive You" - The very instant this song starts, you can tell that you're listening to something special. -

#2 Gotye - "Somebody That I Used To Know" from "Making Mirrors" - Featuring Kimbra. - We've all heard this song a million times by now and for good reason.  The perspective switch is perhaps the best part of the song and highly reminiscent of "Don't You Want Me" by The Human League. -

#1 Adele - "Rolling In The Deep" from "21" - Seeing as how this was #1 on pretty much every critics list and the most played song of 2011, it can't really be a surprising pick for the top song of the year, but of all the songs that I've heard in recent years, "Rolling In The Deep" has the best chance of going down as one of the all-time greats. -

Well, there you have it, 500 songs.  Thanks to everyone who's followed the countdown and I'll see you again around this time next year for the top 500 songs of 2012!

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